Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween

The horde approaches in Night of the Living Dead.

I'll say it again, if only for just because: happy Halloween.

It may be cliched, but it is still a worthwhile venture to provide people with some scary movie ideas for Halloween. Is there really anything better than sitting in the dark and watching a scary movie on Halloween? And, isn't it amazing that this day makes movies infinitely scarier? But, without going on too long, here are some suggestions for fright night viewing tonight, in no particular order.

Halloween- John Carpenter's original scare fest is perfect if for no other reason that its title. And, also the fact than Michael Myers may be the most bone chilling of all horror film villains.

Night of the Living Dead- George Romero's zombie thriller is probably the finest B-movie ever made. On a shoestring budget, Romero recreated a sense of apocalyptic doom all in a little secluded cabin, and it could not have been scarier.

Scary Movie- For those of you looking more for fun than fright, look no further than this stellar comedy, lampooning everything from Scream to American Pie (and is there anything scarier than horny adolescent boys?). Though you should skip the increasingly bad sequels, this is well worth seeing.

Jesus Camp- The most frightening movie I have ever seen. A hundred children speaking in tongues and a monomaniacal camp leader. You'll forget all about Camp Crystal Lake after one viewing of this chilling documentary.

The Evil Dead series- Every one is a classic in its own right with memorable images from first to last. The cult status that these films enjoy is well earned. So if you're looking for a series that is good from start to finish, look no further.

Stir of Echoes- Unfairly overlooked, this film is downright chilling. Kevin Bacon is wonderfully psychotic as a hypnotized father haunted by visions of a dead woman.

There are others, but I am sure you all have a favorite scary movie to watch. So, have fun, happy movie watching, and happy Halloween.

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